For thorough cleaning of the inside and outside of your home, Absolutely Fabulous provide the highest standard of residential cleaning you’re likely to find in Guernsey.
Absolutely Fabulous can perform a thorough clean of any, or every, part of the interior and/or exterior of your home. Whatever the job, if you are in need of a full professional cleaning service for your home, give us a call.
Please click on the type of clean you are interested in to send us a specific enquiry, alternatively, if you have a general enquiry please click on the button below
NB: Notice to cancel or suspend the cleaning:
- We require at least 2 weeks-notice should you wish to suspend or cancel your regular clean or we charge 50% of the fee as cleaners are in place for your clean.
- Cleans that are cancelled in the 24 hours 75% charge will be made.
- If a clean is cancelled on the day of the clean 100% of the clean will be charged as we have dedicated teams in place to work.
- Any queries regarding your domestic clean must be received within 3 hours on completion of works carried out.